Welcome to the Official St. Austell Town Council Website

Could YOU Be a St Austell Town Councillor for 2025-2029?


Do you want to make a difference in your community? Here is your chance!

Who can stand?


To be a Local Councillor you must be at least 18 years old, be a British citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, a qualifying EU citizen or an EU citizen with retained rights.


You must also meet at least one of the following four qualifications:


·       You are, and will continue to be, registered as a local government elector for the parish in which you wish to stand from the day of your nomination onwards.


·       You have occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the parish area during the whole of the 12 months before the day of your nomination and the day of election.


·       Your main or only place of work during the 12 months prior to the day of your nomination and the day of election has been in the parish area.


·       You have lived in the parish area or within three miles of it during the whole of the 12 months before the day of your nomination and the day of election.


Key Information


·       Councillors are volunteers, but costs for approved travel and subsistence outside of the parish can be reimbursed.


·       Councillors normally have one or two meetings per month which generally last between 1 and 2 hours (6pm to 8pm on a Monday).


·       The election term is 4 years.   May 2025 to May 2029


·       The Town Council has 20 Councillors spread across three Wards:


o   Bethel & Holmbush Ward (7 Councillors)

o   Poltair & Mount Charles Ward (6 Councillors)

o   Central & Gover Ward (7 Councillors)


Key Dates


·       Friday 14th March 2025 - Election announcement and nomination packs made available.


·       Thursday 1st May 2025 – Polling Day




How to apply?


The nomination packs will be available on Cornwall Council’s website with effect from Friday 14th March 2025. A hard copy of the nomination pack for St Austell Town Council can be picked up from St Austell Library with effect from the same date.

Cornwall Council, Parish and Town Council Elections - Polling day: Thursday 1 May 2025 - Cornwall Council



Notice of Election Town and Parish Councillors


Notice of Election Cornwall Council


Latest News

Priory Car Park – Season Ticket

Published: 3 Nov 20

Do you use Priory Car Park regularly? It might be cheaper for you to purchase a season ticket Read More...

Directory of Services

It can often be difficult to identify who to contact when services are required. This directory offers basic contact details and links to the websites for the most common enquiries we have at St Austell Town Council:

Abandoned Vehicles

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 202


Anti-social behaviour

Devon & Cornwall Police




Cornwall Council

0300 1234 121


Blue Badge Permits

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 131


Bulky Waste Collection 

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 141


Bus Passes

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 222


Businesses (inc. Business Rates)

 St Austell BID

Cornwall Council

Office: 01726 63595
Mobile: 07794910858

0300 1234 171



Car Parks (Priory Car Park & Tregonissey Lane End Car Park)

St Austell Town Council

01726 829859


Car Parks (Other)

Refer to noticeboards 



Cornwall Council

01872 327823


Citizens Advice



Cornwall Adult Education

Link into Learning

Robartes Place (off Slades Road)

St Austell

PL25 4JH

0300 1231 117


Council Tax

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 171


Dead animal on road

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 141


Dog Fouling/ Dog Warden

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 212


Fly tipping on Cornwall Council Land or Private Land

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 141


Garden waste collection

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 141


Gas Leak

National Gas Emergency Line  

0800 111 999



Cornwall Council

0300 1234 212


Highway Issues

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 222



Cornwall Housing Ltd 

0300 1234 161 



St Austell Town Council

0300 1234 111


Litter Bin Damage/Emptying

St Austell Town Council

01726 829859


Litter/ Street Cleaning 

Cornwall Council 

0300 1234 141

Litter - Website
Street Cleaning - Website 

Obstruction of the highway

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 222


Overgrown land or footpath 

St Austell Town Council 

01726 829859

Pavement Issues
(loose/ broken paving slabs)

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 202


Play Area Issues

(Bethel Park, Cemetery Park, Chapel Field Park, Cosgarne Triangle, Jubilee Meadows Open Space, Landrew Road Play Area, Linear Park, Lostwood Road Gardens, Chy Pons, Penmere Road Open Space, Polmarth Close, Poltair Park, Prince Charles Park, Sandy Hill, The Meadows Play Area, Thornpark Play Area, Truro Road Park, Woodland Close Open Space, Woodland Road Park)

St Austell Town Council

01726 829859


Play Area Issues (Other) 

St Austell Town Council 

01726 829859


Cornwall Council

0300 1234 222


Public Conveniences (Priory Car Park)

St Austell Town Council

01726 829859


Refuse, Recycling, Waste Issues

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 141


Street Light not working

Cornwall Council 

0300 1234 222 


Universal Credit




Vegetation overhanging the highway 

Cornwall Council

0300 1234 222


Water Leak 

South West Water 

0344 346 2020 
